November 13, 2016

Taking Elle to church for the first time, this sweet, old lady from our ward came up and said she couldn't believe we had our baby already and wanted to see her. She commented on how cute she was and then asked what her name was. When I told her it was “Elle” she looked at me puzzled and I said, “Like the letter in the alphabet,” and she said, “Well, that's interesting!” I got the same response from another woman in our ward later on as well.

When we thought about a name for Elle, we never thought we'd leave the hospital without a name! Leading up to her arrival, we couldn’t agree on a name and thought we’d know as soon as we saw her. I had names that I liked, and Marcus had a few he liked but nothing seemed right. I had love the name “Elle” since Harper was born and we went back-and-forth over Harper or Elle before deciding on Harper.

So after having Elle in our home for a few days, we knew we had to go back to the hospital and fill out the birth certificate on the third day.  We finally told ourselves, we couldn't leave our bedroom that morning until we came up with a name. My vote was, Elle, and Marcus loved Emery. We had thought of few different middle names, but when it came to filling out the birth certificate both felt SO right that it seriously, pained me to leave one name or the other off her. So I suggested Elle for a first name, and Emery as a second. What didn’t sound right before, all of a sudden just felt perfect for her. As soon as we left the hospital we wondered why it took us so long to decide in the first place! She was our sweet little Elle Emery.
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