July 19, 2017

It’s crazy how a heart can burst and ache at the same time. Burst for watching you master new and exciting things, and ache for the days when you were just a small infant. Sometimes I can’t even believe you are nine months old and have been blessing our home for most of the past year. The memories of life before you came along are starting to fade, and you’re officially making your presence known in our family.

These last few months have been big ones for you as we’ve watched you crawl, sit, and now climb! Seeing you army crawl across the floor started slow; but now you’re starting to pick up speed as you get closer and closer to whatever it is you’re after. Over fourth of July weekend, we sat you up and you toppled right over. Then, only two days later, we tried again and you sat straight up with your cute little perfect posture. And the first time you climbed was onto Harper’s step stool. We looked at you dumbfounded as we read stories and saw how determined you were to pull yourself up. Harper get’s so mad when you touch her things, but she’s learning to share and you’re learning to splash her in the pool or pull her hair-ha! On our trips we’ve taken, you’ve absolutely adored floating and splashing in the pool. No matter how much water you get on your face!

It’s been fun watching you eat new things. I don’t think there’s been any food you haven’t liked, but the first one you tried and loved were carrots. At first you weren’t sure what to do, but now you start squealing as soon as you see the package! You love to be tickled and have attention, but you no longer like to fall asleep in anyone’s arms. No matter how long we try to rock you asleep-which makes my little mama heart sad. But as soon as we lay you down in your crib, you fall asleep quick and sleep as long as you can. 

We started getting nervous that maybe you didn’t have two front teeth. When your first teeth came in at 4 months, we’ve been waiting months for your top two to make an appearance. Our dentist friend stayed with us over the weekend and he assured us that it wasn’t the timing that should be of concern, but the order. But just one night later I happened to feel something sharp on top and your front teeth are starting to come through. He must have worked some dentist voodoo magic on you! 

Your teething symptoms are pretty low key, just some fussiness when you’re tired. We continue to say you’re the easiest and happiest baby we’ll probably ever have. You’re usually just happy to come along and are pretty quiet as long as you’re well fed. We can usually tell when you starting to get hungry, except for the other day at the grocery store! All of a sudden you just started sobbing, but were were already standing in the checkout line! We looked at each other unsure what to do (you’re currently eating every 3-4hrs and it wasn’t time yet) but we got you a bottle and you were just fine after that! 

You’re just starting to babble and love to copycat and mimic what others around you are doing. Wether it’s shaking your head, clicking your tongue, or saying “mamamama” you just like to talk and talk until somebody laughs with you. We are so blessed to have you in our home, and to see the girl you will grow up to be. We sure love our Elle-belle!

It’s crazy how a heart can burst and ache at the same time. Burst for watching you master new and exciting things, and ache for the days when you were just a small infant. Sometimes I can’t even believe you are nine months old and have been blessing our home for most of the past year. The memories of life before you came along are starting to fade, and you’re officially making your presence known in our family.

These last few months have been big ones for you as we’ve watched you crawl, sit, and now climb! Seeing you army crawl across the floor started slow; but now you’re starting to pick up speed as you get closer and closer to whatever it is you’re after. Over fourth of July weekend, we sat you up and you toppled right over. Then, only two days later, we tried again and you sat straight up with your cute little perfect posture. And the first time you climbed was onto Harper’s step stool. We looked at you dumbfounded as we read stories and saw how determined you were to pull yourself up. Harper get’s so mad when you touch her things, but she’s learning to share and you’re learning to splash her in the pool or pull her hair-ha! On our trips we’ve taken, you’ve absolutely adored floating and splashing in the pool. No matter how much water you get on your face!

It’s been fun watching you eat new things. I don’t think there’s been any food you haven’t liked, but the first one you tried and loved were carrots. At first you weren’t sure what to do, but now you start squealing as soon as you see the package! You love to be tickled and have attention, but you no longer like to fall asleep in anyone’s arms. No matter how long we try to rock you asleep-which makes my little mama heart sad. But as soon as we lay you down in your crib, you fall asleep quick and sleep as long as you can. 

We started getting nervous that maybe you didn’t have two front teeth. When your first teeth came in at 4 months, we’ve been waiting months for your top two to make an appearance. Our dentist friend stayed with us over the weekend and he assured us that it wasn’t the timing that should be of concern, but the order. But just one night later I happened to feel something sharp on top and your front teeth are starting to come through. He must have worked some dentist voodoo magic on you! 

Your teething symptoms are pretty low key, just some fussiness when you’re tired. We continue to say you’re the easiest and happiest baby we’ll probably ever have. You’re usually just happy to come along and are pretty quiet as long as you’re well fed. We can usually tell when you starting to get hungry, except for the other day at the grocery store! All of a sudden you just started sobbing, but were were already standing in the checkout line! We looked at each other unsure what to do (you’re currently eating every 3-4hrs and it wasn’t time yet) but we got you a bottle and you were just fine after that! 

You’re just starting to babble and love to copycat and mimic what others around you are doing. Wether it’s shaking your head, clicking your tongue, or saying “mamamama” you just like to talk and talk until somebody laughs with you. We are so blessed to have you in our home, and to see the girl you will grow up to be. We sure love our Elle-belle!


July 6, 2017

Getting to spend time with my family, and going bungee jumping, was all I asked for for my birthday. But over the years I’ve become more and more afraid of heights. So I decided I better do it while I still had an ounce of courage left to try it. So I talked my whole family into coming up to the mountains for the weekend, and considering it’s one of my dad’s favorite places I didn’t have to beg too hard. I couldn’t believe how much snow the top of Mt. Hood had. Mt. Hood is at 6,000ft elevation but because it’s considered a glacier they have snow year round. The ski resort at the top is the only resort in the United States where you can ski 365 days a year! And it’s also the official partner of the US Olympic team where all the athletes and future athletes go to train for the summer. The mountain was PACKED with athletes. I couldn’t believe how many people were out in July. Harper loved seeing all the snow and couldn’t stop touching it. She had a bit of a fit when I actually tried to make her put the snow down so we could take a picture. Sometimes, you just gotta let the kids get their way. 

On Saturday we spent the day at the Adventure Park at SkiBowl. They had everything! Bungee jumping, zip lines, go carts, horseback riding, tubing hill, and our favorite, the alpine slide. We all felt like it was an adult playground and like we were kids again! It was SO much fun. A big thank you to my parents who spent half the day watching our kids. Parents are the best. We closed the alpine slide down after riding it TEN times in a row. We literally could. not. stop. Maybe it's because it was the first time I've ever been able to beat Marcus at something-HA!

When it came time for the bungee I kept thinking it wasn’t going to be too bad. It didn’t look too high and had the huge pillow beneath. But then every step up the ladder I kept looking down and my knees were shaking SO hard. My one request was that I got to go first so that I didn’t have to spend more time up there than I needed to. For me it’s the anticipation that is the wooooorst. So when we got to the top because of some weight adjustments, they had Marcus go first! Then it took another 15 min before it was my turn. I was FREAKING out standing at the top all by myself. At one point I didn’t know if I could actually do it. The worst was stepping out onto the platform before the big jump, but I remembered Marcus saying it only takes one second of courage. Well my one second turned into 10 when I asked the guide to give me a few more seconds. Finally, I did it and it was the worst feeling ever. The platform, the drop. Everything. And this is coming from a girl who LOVES rollercoasters. But the adrenaline and feeling of accomplishment was like no other either. So I actually considered doing it again later on in the day... But my favorite part was hearing Harper’s little screams from the bottom, “Go Mommy! Go Mommy!” 

What a thrill at turning THIRTY-ONE! What? Crazy town. 

Getting to spend time with my family, and going bungee jumping, was all I asked for for my birthday. But over the years I’ve become more and more afraid of heights. So I decided I better do it while I still had an ounce of courage left to try it. So I talked my whole family into coming up to the mountains for the weekend, and considering it’s one of my dad’s favorite places I didn’t have to beg too hard. I couldn’t believe how much snow the top of Mt. Hood had. Mt. Hood is at 6,000ft elevation but because it’s considered a glacier they have snow year round. The ski resort at the top is the only resort in the United States where you can ski 365 days a year! And it’s also the official partner of the US Olympic team where all the athletes and future athletes go to train for the summer. The mountain was PACKED with athletes. I couldn’t believe how many people were out in July. Harper loved seeing all the snow and couldn’t stop touching it. She had a bit of a fit when I actually tried to make her put the snow down so we could take a picture. Sometimes, you just gotta let the kids get their way. 

On Saturday we spent the day at the Adventure Park at SkiBowl. They had everything! Bungee jumping, zip lines, go carts, horseback riding, tubing hill, and our favorite, the alpine slide. We all felt like it was an adult playground and like we were kids again! It was SO much fun. A big thank you to my parents who spent half the day watching our kids. Parents are the best. We closed the alpine slide down after riding it TEN times in a row. We literally could. not. stop. Maybe it's because it was the first time I've ever been able to beat Marcus at something-HA!

When it came time for the bungee I kept thinking it wasn’t going to be too bad. It didn’t look too high and had the huge pillow beneath. But then every step up the ladder I kept looking down and my knees were shaking SO hard. My one request was that I got to go first so that I didn’t have to spend more time up there than I needed to. For me it’s the anticipation that is the wooooorst. So when we got to the top because of some weight adjustments, they had Marcus go first! Then it took another 15 min before it was my turn. I was FREAKING out standing at the top all by myself. At one point I didn’t know if I could actually do it. The worst was stepping out onto the platform before the big jump, but I remembered Marcus saying it only takes one second of courage. Well my one second turned into 10 when I asked the guide to give me a few more seconds. Finally, I did it and it was the worst feeling ever. The platform, the drop. Everything. And this is coming from a girl who LOVES rollercoasters. But the adrenaline and feeling of accomplishment was like no other either. So I actually considered doing it again later on in the day... But my favorite part was hearing Harper’s little screams from the bottom, “Go Mommy! Go Mommy!” 

What a thrill at turning THIRTY-ONE! What? Crazy town. 
© THE HAPPENING HENRYS. Design by Fearne.