November 28, 2017

Tuesday started out with food at Mister Donut drinking the craziest green melon soda (that is surprisingly so good), and ended with the biggest ice cream cone I’ve ever eaten!

In the morning we ventured to Asakusa to visit the Sensoji Temple. We entered through a back way and Harper had a small Elsa doll she was clutching with the small pieces. We knew from the get-go she would lose a piece and about 10 min in Harper cries out, “It’s gone!” We asked her to say a quick prayer that we’d find it and started backtracking our steps, well one minute later we saw a small blue dress and found it. Harper was so excited and we were so happy that Heavenly Father answered the prayer of a small 3 year old.

We then walked around the shrine and had our “fortunes” read. When we got Harper’s it said something like, You have travelled a lot since a child and are fortunate to have seen many places. What!? Isn’t that the truth! Marcus and my own were pretty spot on too. We then took a million pictures around the shrine and I was in photography HEAVEN. Harper even got in on some of the picture taking too wanting to “take our picture.” Next thing we knew, people were stopping to take HER picture, of her taking OUR picture. Marcus and I couldn’t hold a straight face for anything.

Next we had a traditional ramen lunch and ventured out for the tall ice cream cone in Tokyo. The Japanese people eat ice cream EVERYWHERE so we were literally in heaven always having one in hand-and it was November! Well when we got to the place after getting lost a few times, we couldn’t believe when they made it 8 flavors tall! Now THIS is what we’re talking about. We felt right at home!
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