December 31, 2017

Our Christmas season was jam packed, but I feel like it always is because my husband and I’s families are all from the same area. So the fact that we all get sick right before Christmas wasn’t too surprising. Late game nights, and little sleep will do that to you! We still managed to host dessert for a progressive dinner on Christmas Eve with Marcus’ family, complete with the cutest nativity, cookie day making some of our favorite pizzelle cookies, Skyping with our favorite DC missionary for the last time, and even more family dinners!

We even took a trip to Yakima to visit our favorite Santa George, that is good friends with my dad. Harper was really excited to tell Santa what she wanted this year and Elle is so easy going I figured she’d follow along. Boy were we wrong! Elle was NOT having it. Those always make for the funniest pictures though right? Well we did a take two at a family dinner and I thought it might go a little better this time…nope! Guess Elle is just on the naughty list this year!

A few months ago we decided to get our girls’ a dollhouse. In October when it first came out, I saw the Magnolia Dollhouse from Target and knew that was the one. We started putting it together weeks before Christmas and as much as I liked it, I knew it just needed a little something more. Pinterest and Instagram to the rescue! I loved how it turned out, and we couldn’t wait to give it to them on Christmas morning. Harper’s reaction was priceless, I love her little “What the?” that she’s picked up from her cousins. It’s the first thing she says when she’s surprised or confused about something…and whatever I do, I can’t break her from saying it! 

It felt so magical when it snowed on Christmas morning. It hadn’t really snowed here yet, so to wake up to it snowing was like icing on the cake! Harper was thrilled that Santa brought snow so she could make a “Frosty.” Her favorite character EVER. 

I can’t believe how much Elle had grown in only a year. Last year she was our Christmas baby, and this year, well I still treat her like a baby, but she started walking and taking steps over the Christmas break. She is months behind from when Harper started walking, but that just meant she was still my little baby for a bit longer. She loved all the tissue paper this year and pulling it apart. Far more concerned with that than what was inside the present, for sure! Harper on the other hand has learned to open presents like a mad-man and throws the paper EVERYWHERE. 

She ended up with a few princess dress up costumes this year and has been wearing them non-stop. Her and her cousin couldn’t go to any house without their shoes, wands, crowns, and dresses in tow. It’s the cutest! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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