June 26, 2017

This summer we’re trying really hard to enjoy time being outside. We’re lucky enough to be in such a great neighborhood where we find ourselves outside visiting and playing pretty much every evening already, but also taking time to do things we don’t normally do. The other we decided to pick cherries from a local farm for our family activity for the week. We are so blessed to live in an area where there are U-Pick produce stands all over for different vegetables and fruits. So we loaded up the girls and headed out to one of the farms. 

The CUTEST elderly man runs one of our favorite stands where everything is paid on an honor system. You weigh and pay for it all yourself. But as soon as we drove up he came out on his golf cart and offered to take us to a nice set of trees. After dropping us off, we looked under the cherry trees and they were covered in cherries! And they were only $1 to $1.50/per lb. Before leaving he told Harper that the rule was for every two cherries she put in her bag, she had to put one in her mouth. She was so proud of herself to pick them right off the tree and spit out the seed all by herself. The first time she spit out the seed half the cherry came out with it, but she said “Look mom! Look” and got juice everywhere! Elle was happily kicking in her car seat happy to be avoiding the heat under the shady trees. We made Marcus do most   of the hard work climbing to the top of the ladder. I told him it’d give him a perspective of the clients he deals with at work, but truthfully I was just afraid of crawling that high up onto the ladder! Over the years I’ve developed a phobia of heights! 

We ended up picking 15 lbs of cherries! Our buckets were full! Marcus just looked at me and said, “There’s no way we can ever eat these all.” I told him, “Oh yeah. For sure!”…we’ve given away half already! Ha! He knows me too well.

This summer we’re trying really hard to enjoy time being outside. We’re lucky enough to be in such a great neighborhood where we find ourselves outside visiting and playing pretty much every evening already, but also taking time to do things we don’t normally do. The other we decided to pick cherries from a local farm for our family activity for the week. We are so blessed to live in an area where there are U-Pick produce stands all over for different vegetables and fruits. So we loaded up the girls and headed out to one of the farms. 

The CUTEST elderly man runs one of our favorite stands where everything is paid on an honor system. You weigh and pay for it all yourself. But as soon as we drove up he came out on his golf cart and offered to take us to a nice set of trees. After dropping us off, we looked under the cherry trees and they were covered in cherries! And they were only $1 to $1.50/per lb. Before leaving he told Harper that the rule was for every two cherries she put in her bag, she had to put one in her mouth. She was so proud of herself to pick them right off the tree and spit out the seed all by herself. The first time she spit out the seed half the cherry came out with it, but she said “Look mom! Look” and got juice everywhere! Elle was happily kicking in her car seat happy to be avoiding the heat under the shady trees. We made Marcus do most   of the hard work climbing to the top of the ladder. I told him it’d give him a perspective of the clients he deals with at work, but truthfully I was just afraid of crawling that high up onto the ladder! Over the years I’ve developed a phobia of heights! 

We ended up picking 15 lbs of cherries! Our buckets were full! Marcus just looked at me and said, “There’s no way we can ever eat these all.” I told him, “Oh yeah. For sure!”…we’ve given away half already! Ha! He knows me too well.
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