August 20, 2018

Annecy, France was the perfect start to our trip and we were so grateful to have Marcus' parents along with us for this wild ride. We flew in to Geneva, Switzerland and then drove down to Annecy. We had no idea what to expect so when we got there we couldn’t believe how many people we saw...with ice cream cones! We knew no matter where we were, we must have traveled to the right place. It was so fun to be able to walk through the canals of Annecy and see the lake the town is situated on. It reminded us all of our time in Venice a few years previously. Each building is a different color and it just adds to the charm of city. We had a great dinner together of cheese fondue, lasagna, pizza, and a tray of meats and cheeses, and then topped it off with what else, ice cream. 

The next day we were able to attend church in Annecy. And although it was a small ward, you could feel the spirit so strong from the people who spoke. It always feels like being home even when traveling in another country!
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